Wallach Fetal 2 EMTR Model F3 Fetal Monitor
Wallach Fetal 2 EMTR Model F3 Fetal Monitor
79024 - Wallach Fetal 2 EMTR Model F3 Fetal Monitor

Paper tray cover is broken on the lower left side, printer makes noise but does print

1 - MS3-109301 (D) Ultrasound Transducer
1 - MS3-31527(B) Toco Transducer
1 - Patient Mark Button

Fetal2EMR system combines the latest in twins fetal heart rate monitoring technology with seamless electronic medical records integration. Recorded traces can be transferred to a PC using Wallach’s Insight software (not included) via USB Cable, USB flash drive or ethernet cable. These traces can then be converted to PDF for easy access across platforms or moved into an EMR system.
Three ways to transfer data—Ethernet, USB, or USB flash drive
Bright color monitor with multiple views
Built-in thermoprinter
12 hour memory