Grason-Stadler GSI 38 Auto Tymp
Grason-Stadler GSI 38 Auto Tymp
80268 - Grason-Stadler GSI 38 Auto Tymp

Version 4

Maico Headphones
Power Supply

The GSI 38 AutoTymp with version 1 software performs tympanometry, ipsilateral acoustic reflex and puretone audiometry. It is fast, very easy to use. The instrument performs tympanometry or can be set to perform tympanometry and ipsi reflex in the same test sequence. Acoustic reflex can be performed with any combination of 500, 1k, 2k and 4k test frequencies and will display (or print) all four test frequencies on the same screen. The test results can be quickly read on the LCD screen or a hard copy of both ears can be made with the on-board printer. Audiometry screening can be done in left and right ears and the results are also displayed or printed.