Fujifilm CR-IR 356 FCR Computed Radiography System
Fujifilm CR-IR 356 FCR Computed Radiography System
83369 - Fujifilm CR-IR 356 FCR Computed Radiography System

1 - Fujifilm CR-IR 356 FCR Carbon Processor
1 - Philips PCR Computer with Keyboard & Mouse
1 - Barcode Reader
5 - FUJIFILM FCR FUJI IP Cassette Type CC 35.4 x 43.0cm (14 x 17in)
3 - Fujifilm IP Cassette Type CC 24X30cm

With PCR Eleva systems you can digitize your conventional X-ray rooms. The single-slot PCR Eleva S Plus has a fast cycle time and enables good workflow and efficiency. It is suitable for normal-to-high throughput digital X-ray rooms.