Nicolet Biomedical Viasys Viking Quest
Nicolet Biomedical Viasys Viking Quest
84629 - Nicolet Biomedical Viasys Viking Quest

Computer Tower
800VA Isobox Power Supply
Viasys VQ Control Box
VKQ 2 Channel EMG Amplifier
S403 Hand Control

The Nicolet / Viasys VikingSelect EMG system constitutes the "gold standard" in quantitative clinical EMG/NCS, a distinction carried for over 15 years by the Nicolet Viking product family. It continues a legacy of more than 6000 Viking systems sold around the world. The Nicolet VikingSelect adds many new technologies and user benefits to the Viking legacy. Built around the same core of proven and trusted Viking EMG & NCS functions, it allows the user to automate their own common clinical studies and digitally record and replay free-running EMG segments for re-analysis or teaching purposes. The focus is on providing new clinically relevant functions such as Motor Unit Number Estimation & Conduction Velocity Distribution measurements while improving your productivity